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Friday, May 03, 2024

Our new range balls arrived this week so hopefully you will come and give them a hit. Just note that there has been a slight increase in the prices of our buckets...

Large (approx. 80 balls) = R70
Medium (approx. 50 balls) = R60
Warm-up (25 balls) = R30

We have tried our best to keep our prices as reasonable as possible and this is our first increase in nearly two years. There is a trend among other ranges in our country to set a day fee, usually around R160 so we feel we still offer excellent value especially if you look at the specials we offer during the week. For those who are frequent guests at the range, why not look at one of our contacts, there are some nice discounts on offer. If you would like more information please give me a shout.


Valentine's Day - Battle of the Sexes

This should be a fun evening with a nice twist on the normal take, so try and make a plan to join us.

Ladies weekly clinics

Our weekly ladies clinics have resumed, with the idea that each week we will look at a different aspect of the game. If you would like to be included on the WhatsApp group just let me know.

Tuesday clinics from 15h30 to 17h00, cost is R180/person and includes tuition, range balls and a glass of wine.

Thursday clinics from 07h30 to 08h30, cost is R150/person and includes tuition, range balls and tea or a cappuccino.

If you’re a golfer that’s shooting above 90 most times then it’s time to set yourself a challenge.
We want you to target a score in the 80’s every time. Starting this week we have
4 weeks of simple tips that, if followed, will put you in the 80’s most every time.

If you want to be able to hit your Driver more consistently, then using your smartphone,
we have a couple of checks you could start with.

We want to find several golfers who aren’t going to settle for their golf handicap. We want to find some golfers
who’d like to make this the year that they make some big improvements, shooting 80’s every round.
Is that you?



This mail was sent to {{contact.contact_email}} by Steve Cottingham and is provided as a service for the members and guests of Mount Edgecombe Driving Range and has been supported and sponsored by advertisers in this email and our partner suppliers. For any queries contact us on 031 833 0753.

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