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Thursday, May 02, 2024

Before your round, when you’ve thrown a few balls down on the putting green, do you have a plan?

Here’s three things you ought to be checking off before the round:
1) Your setup and posture. 2) Your alignment and aim (especially dialing in your eyes). 3) Your speed control.

Make sure you have a routine to get those three parts of your putting game dialed in before you start your round. If you need help with your plan - contact us.
The chicken and the egg remains the perennial question.
It never seems considered that the chicken might not lay the egg, or that the egg might not hatch.

Which comes first: the improved swing or a set of fitted Irons?
How many of you this year will invest in a game improvement program to
fundamentally change and improve your golf swing?
If that’s a commitment you want to make,

However, whether you’re going to improve your swing or not, we want the egg to hatch.
Golf equipment that fits improves your golf experience immediately.

Almost every golfer we custom fit for a set of Irons notes at least one dimension of measurable improvement.
Those with higher handicaps and the less skilled often see two, or even three,
dimensions of measurable improvement, IMMEDIATELY.
What could your improvement be? 

We want you to get more out of your practice. We want you to see the results.
We want you to enjoy practice. The secret is practising with more purpose.
There is time for ‘block practice’. That’s trying to hit the same shot time after time.
You’ll probably have a technique improvement you’re working on.

Even when you’re engaged in a very specific ‘block practice’, you should approach it with real
focus and concentration on each shot. 
Before each shot, take a practice swing noting the feeling or movement you’re trying to re-enforce.

Now take your real shot, with your attention being on the process – not the shot result.
Did you feel or note the movement you were trying to make?

You’re better off hitting 50 shots carefully with 100% concentration on the improvement you’re trying to make,
than hitting 100 shots with even 80% concentration. Unsure of when to use block or random practice, then



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