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Saturday, May 04, 2024

If I told you that the impact on accuracy is far greater on a shorter iron than a longer iron,
would that make you take more notice of your lie angles?
Put a #4 iron on the ground. Raise the toe. Now imagine a straight line squarely leaving the sweet spot.
Notice how its going left of target. Now do the same with a #9 Iron and check the line leaving the sweet spot.
Whoa. Much further left.

You’ve made a great swing but, if the lie angle on your #9 iron is 2° too upright,
then you’re going 15 feet left of your target. What is often 15 feet left of target when
you’re aiming at the green? Too right? Sand, rough, or even water. A great swing spoiled.



Let us help you hit more great shots. Let us check out your lie angles.
Get that right, and you’ll be amazed at how much more accurate you are.
This applies to all golfers. Why waste a great swing?
Most golfers think that the way to create more spin with their wedges, is to hit it higher.
But last week we explained that the key to creating more spin is spin loft.
If you missed that article, click here.


There are a variety of reasons why
an exaggerated loft will NOT create
more spin on the ball.

We’ve learned so much from studying launch monitor data. We now know exactly how to help you hit lower,
but higher spinning wedge shots.

Being able to shoot the ball in with a slightly lower trajectory and
the spin to check the ball quickly, makes distance control so much easier.
Come and learn how to play this shot.




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