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Sunday, May 05, 2024

Roy Braxton and his team shine in Greece!
I would like to start this week by congratulating Roy Braxton and his team on their victory in Greece last week. Roy accompanied Ivano Ficalbi the Chief Executive of the PGA of South Africa, and their team scored scores of 94 & 91 points that secured them the victory in the team event. Roy also manged to finished 8th out of a total of a 192 amateurs that competed in the Pro- Am event. Congrats Roy and well done for representing De Zalze Golf Club in such a great fashion.

 Everything you need to know about the new handicap system
Francois and I attended a workshop at Boschenmeer about the new handicap system that is coming our way in September. I am quite excited about this as I feel that we need a change in South Africa. I have been fortunate to have worked with the slope system before in America and I think it will be a nice introduction here in South Africa.

To start with, there will be no change with the current tee structures, each one of these tees will have their own slope indexes and course ratings that will allow you to play any tee you wish. In other words, you will have a handicap for each tee. In competition all of us will play off the same tees together.

September 3rd is the big day when the handicap system and calculation will change so keep an eye out for that.

Handicaps as we know them today will disappear as the new system will work off a handicap index. Each player will continue to enter their every score, and the handicap system will calculate the player's handicap based on the course and the tee the player selects to play.


The calculation for those interested is as follows:

Handicap index = (Adjusted gross score-course rating) x 113 divided by slope rating.

So when you play you will enter the Pro Shop as you do normally, register, swipe your card (see sneak peak to your left) and enter the tee you are going to play from on that day. The system will then automatically give you your course handicap, which is what you will play from on the day. There will also be conversion charts on the board to help you make the strategic decision as from which tees you will play from.

The course handicap = Handicap index (at start of play) x slope rating divided by 113 + (course rating - par).
The course handicap is the handicap the player will use to complete their scorecard.

This all seems very complicated, but you will quickly pick it all up! We will make sure everyone understands before the time comes.

Course designers are clearly
in league with golf ball manufacturers.

How many golf courses have a
Par 3, about 5 Iron distance,
with water on the right?

They know that an Iron over 38“
long and less than 28° of loft
has a good chance of going right.

Ten years ago, we told you that your
4 Iron loft had strengthened to become
the same loft as the previous year’s 3 Iron.
Your 5 Iron will today will have the same
loft as that 3 Iron.
Without question, most golfers ought to be
replacing their 5 Iron with a Hybrid.
They should be investing in improving
their technique. And smiling as they walk
up to their ball on the green. It makes it easier
to enjoy the geese! It also means you’re
buying less golf balls.

Bring your problem distance to us. Let us spend time whether improving your technique with an existing club,
or filling the gap with a better solution. Come and spend 45 minutes with us,
and let’s see how best to fill that gap.

We want more golfers to have a great experience out on the golf course.

To do that, you don’t have to take on the same challenge as
Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, Jason Day, Louis Oosthuizen, Shangsan Feng or Lexi Thompson.
In fact, you already don’t play the same length golf course they do.

So, let’s play more formats that make it more enjoyable for more golfers.
PGA Junior League is a format that combines a competitive element with a game that stays ‘in play’ longer
(2v2 over 3x3 holes), with the playability benefits of a Scramble format.

There are 3 ‘flags’ to be won. If you’re playing 18, why not play 2v2 better ball scramble, over 3x6 holes?
 And actually, why not find time to
play nine in this format (3x3 holes),
 before or after your day?

Or nine on a Sunday afternoon
with the family?
You can still have friendly competition, but it’s likely that this is a much more social format:
you come together on the tee; for the 2nd shot; and on the green. That’s more fun together.

Try it. Try and think of different ways to play the game, to allow the less skilled the opportunity to
get much more enjoyment from the experience. Or for you to change it up and enjoy yourself more.

And if you need help finding more fairways on your own, then



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